Immature plonkers, timewasters and no show-shows, God I'm so sick of them and I know for sure other escorts are very sick of them too. You know the ones, those clients that call you requesting a appointment, so you turn away other clients because you have filled that particular slot. then they either don't show up, or 15 minutes before they are due to arrive they phone up saying they have to cancel, worst still when you show up they pretend that they are not at home and don't answer their door. please stop it guys, cause you are spoiling it for the genuine clients.
Let it be known I have a timewaster list as long as a piece of string.
There is one or more every day. What excuse will they have tomorrow the same feeble one no doubt. Never mind chin up, the good do outweigh bad.
Tomorrow's a new day...

Yes I live in Kent. Give me a call if you want to visit x
Hi Naomi Thanks for getting back to me.. Do u live in Kent?
Yes I am a real person. LOL
Hi Naomi, I come across your site and wanted to know if we can start to chat with the view of booking an appointment. I need to know first of all whether this site is real and then we take it from there. Please, get back to me and let me know. Regards Jose Wailer